Year 2
Welcome to our Year 2 page.
Click on the image below to find out all about Year 2.
Click below for useful ideas of how to help your child in Year 2.
'How To Help Your Child' Workshop Presentation
Calculation Policy - Addition and Subtraction
Topic Guides
At the beginning of each half term we will be sending home information about all the topics we will be covering in science, art, history, religious education, music, geography, and PSHE for that term. (You can also find these by clicking on the links below.). We will also include ideas and suggestions to help you explore these topics with your child.
The topic knowledge section tells you all vocabulary that we will be using and the 'sticky knowledge' facts that we will be teaching the children about the subjects.
Summer 1
Famous People Changing Lives
Summer 2
Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside!
'I am so Proud' of my child
Throughout the year there will be many moments where you feel exceptionally proud of your child’s achievements. These might be achievements related to school, home or activities that they take part in beyond the school day. We would love to share these moments with you and would like to record them in your child’s ‘Learning Journey’.
Please complete one of the forms (click to download) - print a copy off and send in to your child’s class teacher. You might want to tell us about: how brave your child has been on a visit to the dentist; a sporting achievement; a musical achievement; something they have done to be particularly helpful or something to demonstrate growing maturity. We really look forward to hearing about anything that you are proud of.
Burfitts Road, Oakes, Huddersfield, HD3 4YL
01484 651103