Reinwood Infant & Nursery School

RE and Assemblies

Our curriculum

We aim for a high-quality R.E. curriculum at Reinwood Infant & Nursery School, using the ‘Agreed Syllabus’ for RE in Calderdale, Kirklees and Leeds entitled ‘BELIEVING AND BELONGING in West Yorkshire’. This syllabus recognises and uses the structure of national guidance published by the RE Council for England and Wales. It has been adapted to suit our local context and tailored to the children growing up in our region.

 The syllabus recognises and reflects a huge variety within religions, faiths and systems of belief (religious and non-religious). In this way RE at Reinwood I & N School will challenge stereotypes rather than reinforce them.

 Throughout our learning activities, pupils will always be encouraged to express their own views and beliefs, as well as listening to those of others, in a safe and respectful environment. This will foster interest, understanding and tolerance and reflect the diversity of the children at our school.

 Work done over the past few years around R.E. has led to the curriculum being more culturally infused across school. Pupils increasingly demonstrate respect for others and their culture and enthusiastically embrace new experiences, which broaden their understanding and are designed to explore cultural diversity & local, national & global communities. Pupils demonstrate real thirst for knowledge to find out more and this is evident in their topic books.


During the week we have a variety of different assembly formats.  The assemblies are either....

  • held in the school hall with one or more-year groups,
  • class based
  • celebration assemblies of pupil achievement.

 Through these shared gatherings we take the opportunity to develop our children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural understanding as well as promote our school ethos & values and the fundamental British values of; democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of the many different faiths and beliefs that people hold.


Burfitts Road, Oakes, Huddersfield, HD3 4YL

01484 651103