Reinwood Infant & Nursery School



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Welcome to Reinwood Infant & Nursery School, a forward-thinking school where we strive for pupils, staff, governors and parents to work together. We work strongly as a team, creating a supportive and challenging environment. We see ourselves as the ‘I can’ school – a place where we create a stimulating and safe environment for pupils, staff, governors and parents to learn and progress. 

We aim to provide an environment where all children are happy - sharing, being kind to others and respecting people and property are strongly emphasised. To assist the generation of this ethos, and to promote a sense of ’belonging’, the school is organised into two units – Foundation Stage (Reception plus a separate Nursery) and Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2). This organisation enables teams of staff to work closely together and maximises the use of support staff and resources. 

We operate a positive approach to behaviour management and all staff, including lunchtime supervisors, have undergone training in this area. All staff are involved, annually, in the Relational Policy review. There are few school rules but those that do exist are designed to teach children to respect others and their belongings and to ensure safety for all. With the help of the class teacher, the children will draw up a set of class rules. 

As a school, we hold a number of awards such as Eco-Schools Green Flag, Arts Mark Gold, Kirklees Music Mark, Rights Respecting School and Basic Skills Award.

There has been a great deal of positive development within the school - and to the school building - over the last few years and we continue to move forward in our educational thinking to provide the best possible provision for our pupils. Staff work extremely hard and there is a strong sense of supportive teamwork. 

If you are reading our website with a view to bringing your child to our school, you are welcome to come and visit us and I will be pleased to show you around and explain our plans for the future. If you are the parent of a child already in school, I hope that you find this website useful and interesting and I look forward to seeing you at one of our many events.

Michelle Symonds

Burfitts Road, Oakes, Huddersfield, HD3 4YL

01484 651103